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2025-01-03 18:56    点击次数:148

   尚湾林语样板间视频首发,闵行约500万级王炸地铁盘售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】☎!步行范围内享百万方全能配套,千万级豪宅都没有的生活![尚湾林语]售楼处电话:400-886-2334(预约热线)如有问题欢迎来电咨询,专业一对一热情服务,让您用专业眼光去买房。尚湾林语售楼处电话:400-886-2334【售楼热线】营销中心热线400-886-2334售楼处地址400-886-2334,楼盘项目全面介绍,本电话为开发商提供线上售楼电话,楼盘项目全面介绍(包含楼盘简介,房价,价格,楼盘地址,户型图,交通规划,备案价,项目配套,楼盘详情,售楼处电话,最新消息,最新详情,周边配套,最新进展等详情咨询)免责声明:将文章内容综合来源于网络、只作分享,版权归原作者所有!!如有侵权,请联系我们,我们第一时间处理!生态、商业、教育、人文、生活...齐聚约180万方的超级综合体结合大零号湾产业能级焕新闵行新中心尚湾林语全新样板间视频首发项目单价约5.5万/㎡起,高得房率加持与同板块新房相比劲省约150万+买100平米大三房约3000㎡示范区即将开幕六大场景提前预演了未来百万方大城里的生活对项目有兴趣的朋友售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】☎闵行主城区的尚湾林语,将公园及天然水系引入社区,打造了上海前所未见的约180万方生态滨水TOD!这座综合体有三大亮点:售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】☎第一,这座约180万方的综合体中,住宅仅占比约10%,90%的均是配套,下楼即享受百万方的配套,在上海可能也只有市区千万级以上的豪宅才能做到了。第二,上海目前只有两座体量达到约180万方的综合体,一座是尚湾林语,另外一座则是内中环卖约17万/㎡+的徐汇滨江金融西岸。第三,这座综合体拥有约86万方自然生态景观,其中四季花海已做出约100亩示范段,这样的生态资源在上海主城区十分稀缺且昂贵。有一个大前提,希望大家能了解到。售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】☎ 尚湾林语的性价比,在整个闵行称得上少有对手。这是一个可以凭价格就能收获大量上车客户青睐的新房,具体多有性价比呢:颛桥目前的联动价已达约7万/㎡,一套约100㎡3房总价约700万级。尚湾林语单价约5.5万起,一套约100㎡3房总价约500万级。光价格上就便宜了约200万+。另外,尚湾林语约82%的得房率,吊打同级产品!市面常规户型得房率约74%,100㎡的房子尚湾林语足足多出了8个平方,乘上单价。换句话说,同样的一套房子,尚湾林语的能帮业主省下约250万+的价格。这样的性价比,谁看谁不动心。而在这样的基础上,尚湾林语还给了业主一个上海从未出现过、且未来或许也不会再有的生活。步行可达的生活闭环中汇聚上海更庞大的城市资源之售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】☎前说了,上海如今体量较大的城市更新,就是约180万方的尚湾林语和徐汇滨江金融西岸,这两个项目周边汇聚的城市资源体量是相近的。即使是其他综合体的业主,下楼后能享受到的资源,远远不如尚湾林语的业主。当然,不光是体量,尚湾林语业主能享受到的城市资源,能级之高也是沪上少见的。就以项目周边直线约1km范围内的资源来看:现有的资源1、5号线剑川路站:售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】☎由此出发,莘庄、漕河泾、徐家汇、新天地、人民广场均是生活半径。龙湖上海闵行天街:作为南闵行首个大型优质商业综合体,约17万㎡的龙湖天街是不少人周末必去打卡的商业中心。约180万方综合体内的资源每一座中心城市,都有一条黄金主轴!售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】☎无论是巴黎的香榭丽舍大街,纽约中央公园,还是北京长安街、浦东的世纪大道...这些黄金主轴无一例外地集中了这座城市高配的商业、生态、文化、豪宅等资源!而在尚湾林语这座约180万方的大城,也有一条黄金主轴:金阳路。售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】☎这条路上汇聚了尚湾林语的低密住宅、体育公园、文体中心、竖河樱花道、融合商街、花园商办,整条金阳路种植了银杏、梧桐等名贵树种。对于业主而言,每天都能漫步在金阳路上,享受休闲、购物、美食、文化、艺术等一体化生活,这是让全闵行人都羡慕的生活。整座大城包含但不局限于:1、约21.5万方开放摩登商办,涵盖开放商街、邻里中心、生态办公、人才公寓等。售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】☎那光是项目本身所带来的生活,就已流光溢彩。想要逛吃休闲,楼下就能shopping;怕上班通勤时间长,可以把office直接搬到隔壁楼。示意图 实际以交付为准售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】☎2、约86万方自然生态景观,其中四季花海已做出约100亩示范段,这既是开发商超强兑现力的体现,更为业主营造了繁华城市中难得的一抹休闲静谧。业主出门就能徜徉在花海中,在快节奏的生活下,这真的非常治愈。项目自然生态景观实景图售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】☎随着自然生态景观进一步完善,这里势必将成为上海又一个打卡胜地,随便拍一张照就能迎来朋友圈纷纷点赞;还将是亲子胜地,周末可带孩子来放松身心、趣味采摘,寓教于乐。这种超大面积生态景观的综合体,上海难觅第二家!项目自然生态景观实景图售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】☎3、约15万方未来理想水岸,沿天然水系河道规划滨河绿廊、活力水岸、休闲水岸、风景河岸等。未来,可沿河岸晨跑、慢骑、散步……示意图 实际以交付为准4、约3万方活力文体中心,涵盖运动场馆、文教场馆等,满足全年龄段运动、娱乐、休闲、亲子等需求。从二维感官空间走入五维的多元感官体验。5、约3.44万高质人文教育,涵盖幼、初、高中。售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】☎闵行本就是教育强区,项目又紧邻两所985大学,片区内有非常浓厚的教育底蕴。同时依托上海交大,闵行区也一直牵手交大在打造“环交大闵行校区基础教育生态区”,项目近水楼台,未来教育质量很值得期待。(新房不承诺学区,具体以教育部门公示为准)示意图 实际以交付为准当然,配套丰富是好事,但更重要的是兑现。市面不乏优质规划的项目,但往往兑现打折扣、兑现时间长,可能直达交房生活依旧不便利。而在尚湾林语,有两大保障:第一,项目定位高,开发商是深谙城市更新的本地国企。尚湾林语作为上海目前较大的城中村改造项目、上海重点城中村综合改造项目、闵行区率先认定的3大市级重点改造项目之一,肩负城市更新使命!示意图 实际以交付为准售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】☎并由上海地产集团旗下全资子公司上海房地(集团)有限公司承建并参与开发。作为上海地产集团的全资二级子公司,上房公司以“聚焦城市更新,筑就美好生活”为使命,致力“成为具影响力的非特定区域城市更新综合平台公司”。第二,住宅交付、配套同步!项目一期到五期目前同步开工,未来除了商办,其它业态预计都将在2026年一季度实现交付运营。(具体时间以开发商为准)对项目有兴趣的朋友售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】☎售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】☎国家级战略大零号湾核心区约180万方综合体售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】☎当年为了更好的服务陆家嘴金融圈高薪人才的居住需求,上海倾力打造了以生态为主要特色的碧云联洋国际住区。售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】☎为了满足金桥副中心庞大产业人口的居住需求,打造了以森兰绿地为核心的森兰国际住区。可以看到,每一个足够重磅的国际住区,都诞生于顶级的产业区旁。而尚湾林语这座约180万方滨水生态综合体,则位于世界级科创湾区大零号湾的核心区。示意图售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】☎大零号湾以大学为科创源头,发挥“高校院所聚集、科技成果密度高、产业承载能力强”的区位优势,如同拥有斯坦福大学的硅谷产业园。整个产业园的能级之强,在某些方面甚至超越了张江。例如,超过张江的科研用地占比:售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】☎大零号湾科研用地面积达到了631公顷,占比则达到了惊人的24.4%,超过张江科学城的科研用地占比(21%),上海唯一坐拥两所985高校的科创湾区:同时坐拥上海交大、华东师大两所“双一流”高校,还有航天、航空、船舶、核电等领域的10多所科研院所,以及近200家国家级、市级研发机构。汇聚近十万在校师生,以及超13万名科技人才,将成为上海极具活力和朝气的科创热土之一。大零号湾将与漕河泾、张江科学城共建上海迈向全球影响力科创中心!示意图对项目有兴趣的朋友售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】☎约1.6-1.8容积率低密住区上海少有的高品质生活售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】☎让全闵行人羡慕的生活+全市拔尖的产业+绝对高性价比的价格,约500万级的尚湾林语实在是太香了。但即使如此,尚湾林语的产品力依旧打造的不留余力。首先,项目容积率只有1.6-1.8容积率,全系小高层!售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】☎这个容积率一方面是稀缺,从2023至今,整个上海市场出让的20块宅地中,容积率低于2的社区只有2个,都是杨浦的风貌别墅社区,别墅联动价高达约18万/㎡。而尚湾林语与这两个约18万/㎡的风貌别墅社区拥有相似的容积率。售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】☎另外一方面,人们追求更高居住舒适度的置换过程,实际上就是容积率不断变小的过程。有研究数据表明,每降低0.1的容积率,会带来这些优势:示意图售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】☎而1.6-1.8容积率的尚湾林语相比如今常见的2.5甚至3.0以上容积率的社区,居住舒适度是瑶瑶领先的。值得一提,项目首开楼栋栋距更达约38米,采光优异,且所有楼栋几乎实现三面甚至四面景观环绕。示意图 实际以交付为准其次,项目还拥有媲美市中心10万+楼盘的装修标准!售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】☎装修上采用的均是国内外一线品牌,对标市中心10万+豪宅的质感。卫浴使用了唯宝、高仪品牌;售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】☎厨具是西门子的,中央空调是日立的,还配备威能地暖及热水器;特别是唯宝、高仪,市中心高端住宅才有的配置如今“5”字头就能拥有。项目样板间实景图 实际以交付为准售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】☎所以,总结起来项目在价格惊艳、生活模式出众、产业能级庞大的基础上,还叠加等多重优势,每一项指标甚至比闵行7万+/㎡楼盘都出色,但百平米价格仅仅“5”字头!百平米三开间朝南,户型设计优还有臻稀建面约149㎡滨水四房最后我们来看下户型。售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】☎从户型设计看,建面约100、101㎡三房三开间朝南,动静分区、全卧飘窗,主卧就寝区→衣帽间→卫浴间层层递进,仪式感满满。项目样板间实景图 实际以交付为准售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】☎还有部分建面约149㎡滨水四房大平层,仅9-10层,值得注意该户型有“3卫”。据小胖君统计,市面上超98%的建面150㎡户型为4房2卫,而尚湾林语多出了1卫,那就可以打造双南套房,给足家人尊贵感、私密性。且客餐厅还构成了大方厅,空间感十足,利用率高。项目户型多样,总有一款适合您在景观方面,颜值与社交功能兼具。售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】☎据悉,布局有风森会客厅、阳光草坪、林荫步道、能量花园、萌宠乐园,环形慢跑道等多重节点。这既为高知人群提供了互相认识、交流的平台,N多与景观相处的方式,绿植葱茏遮盖,移步异景,也有一种回家即微度假的感觉。示意图 实际以交付为准约3000㎡示范区即将开幕六大场景提前预演了未来百万方大城里的生活[尚湾林语]售楼处电话:400-886-2334(预约热线)如有问题欢迎来电咨询,专业一对一热情服务,让您用专业眼光去买房。尚湾林语售楼处电话:400-886-2334【售楼热线】营销中心热线400-886-2334售楼处地址400-886-2334,楼盘项目全面介绍,本电话为开发商提供线上售楼电话,楼盘项目全面介绍(包含楼盘简介,房价,价格,楼盘地址,户型图,交通规划,备案价,项目配套,楼盘详情,售楼处电话,最新消息,最新详情,周边配套,最新进展等详情咨询)免责声明:将文章内容综合来源于网络、只作分享,版权归原作者所有!!如有侵权,请联系我们,我们第一时间处理!The video of Shangwan Linyu Sample Room was first released, and the Minhang Rocket subway plate sales office's telephone number is 400-886-2334 [reservation hotline] ☎! Enjoy a million square meter all-around supporting facilities within walking range, a life that even millions of luxury homes don't have![Shangwanlin Language]Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] ☎Limited current viewing at the crime scene requires advance phone reservation and registrationPlease make sure to call and confirm the time with the sales team. Only customers who make appointments can enter the sales site. Thank you for your supportEcology, Business, Education, Humanities, Life oligomerizationA super complex of approximately 1.8 million square metersCombining the industrial level of the Greater Zero BayHuanxin Minhang New CenterShangwan Linyu's new model room video premieresThe project unit price starts at approximately 55000 yuan/square meter, with a high occupancy rateCompared to new houses in the same sectorSave about 1.5 million yuan and buy a 100 square meter senior apartmentA demonstration area of approximately 3000 square meters is about to openSix major scenes previewed life in a million square meter city in advanceFriends who are interested in the projectSales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] ☎ The Shangwan Forest Language in the main urban area of Minhang has introduced parks and natural water systems into the community, creating an unprecedented ecological waterfront TOD of about 1.8 million square meters in Shanghai!This complex has three highlights: sales office phone number: 400-886-2334 [reservation hotline] ☎Firstly, in this complex with an area of approximately 1.8 million square meters, residential buildings only account for about 10%, with 90% being supporting facilities. Going downstairs, one can enjoy the million square meter supporting facilities, which may only be achieved by luxury homes with a scale of over ten million in the urban area of Shanghai.Secondly, there are currently only two complexes in Shanghai with a volume of about 1.8 million square meters. One is Shangwan Linyu, and the other is the Xuhui Binjiang Financial West Bank, which sells about 170000 yuan/square meter in the Inner Central Ring Road.Thirdly, this complex has a natural ecological landscape of approximately 860000 square meters, among which the Four Seasons Flower Sea has made a demonstration section of about 100 acres. Such ecological resources are very scarce and expensive in the main urban area of Shanghai.There is a major premise that I hope everyone can understand.Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] ☎ The cost-effectiveness of Shangwanlin dialect is relatively rare in the entire Minhang area. This is a new house that can attract a large number of car customers based on its price, and there are many specific cost-effectiveness factorsThe current linkage price of Zhuanqiao has reached about 70000 yuan per square meter, with a total price of about 7 million yuan for a 3-bedroom apartment of about 100 square meters.The unit price of Shangwan Linyu starts at approximately 55000 yuan, with a total price of approximately 5 million yuan for a 3-bedroom apartment of approximately 100 square meters.The price alone is about 2 million+cheaper.In addition, Shangwan Linyu has a occupancy rate of about 82%, surpassing products of the same level!The occupancy rate of conventional units on the market is about 74%, and a 100 square meter house in Shangwan Linyu has an additional 8 square meters, multiplied by the unit price.In other words, for the same house, Shangwan Linyu can help homeowners save about 2.5 million yuan in price. With such a cost-effectiveness, no one is attracted to it.On this basis, Shangwan Linyu gave the owner a life that had never appeared in Shanghai before and may not exist again in the future.In the life cycle that can be reached by walkingGathering Shanghai's Larger Urban ResourcesSales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] ☎ As mentioned earlier, the largest urban renewal projects in Shanghai today are the Shangwan Linyu and Xuhui Binjiang Financial West Bank, with an area of approximately 1.8 million square meters. The amount of urban resources gathered around these two projects is similar.Even for owners of other complexes, the resources they can enjoy after going downstairs are far inferior to those of Shangwan Linyu.Of course, not only in terms of volume, but also in terms of urban resources that Shangwan Lin language owners can enjoy, the level of proficiency is rare in Shanghai.Based on the resources within a straight-line range of approximately 1km around the project:Existing resources1. Jianchuan Road Station on Line 5:Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] ☎ From this point of view, Xinzhuang, Caohejing, Xujiahui, Xintiandi and People's Square are all living radius.Longhu Shanghai Minhang Tianjie:As the first large-scale high-quality commercial complex in Minhang, Longhu Tianjie, covering an area of approximately 170000 square meters, is a commercial center that many people must visit to check in on weekends.Approximately 1.8 million cubic meters of comprehensive resources within the bodyEvery central city has a golden axis!Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] ☎ Whether it's the Champs - É lys é es in Paris, Central Park in New York, Chang'an Street in Beijing, or Century Avenue in Pudong These golden axes, without exception, concentrate the high-end commercial, ecological, cultural, luxury residential and other resources of this city!In Shangwan Linyu, a large city with an area of about 1.8 million square meters, there is also a golden axis: Jinyang Road.Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] ☎ This road gathers low-density residential buildings, sports parks, cultural and sports centers, vertical river cherry blossom road, fusion business street, garden business offices of Shangwan Linyu, and the whole Jinyang Road is planted with ginkgo, wutong and other valuable trees.For homeowners, walking on Jinyang Road every day, enjoying an integrated lifestyle of leisure, shopping, food, culture, art, and more, is a life that everyone in Minhang envies.The entire city includes but is not limited to:1. Approximately 215000 square meters of modern commercial offices are open, covering open commercial streets, neighborhood centers, ecological offices, talent apartments, and more.Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] ☎ The life brought by the project itself is already shining brightly. If you want to stroll and eat for leisure, you can shop downstairs; If you are afraid of long commuting hours, you can move your office directly to the next building.The schematic diagram is subject to actual deliverySales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] ☎ 2. About 860000 square meters of natural ecological landscape have been created, among which the Four Seasons Flower Sea has produced a demonstration section of about 100 acres. This not only reflects the developer's strong cash flow ability, but also creates a rare leisure and tranquility for homeowners in the bustling city.Owners can wander in the sea of flowers when they go out, which is really healing in the fast-paced life.Natural Ecological Landscape Realistic Map of the ProjectSales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] ☎ With the further improvement of the natural ecological landscape, this place is bound to become another check-in destination in Shanghai. Just take a photo and you will receive likes from your social circle; It will also be a parent-child destination, where children can relax and enjoy picking on weekends, combining education with entertainment.It is difficult to find a second place in Shanghai for such a complex with a super large ecological landscape!Natural Ecological Landscape Realistic Map of the ProjectSales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] ☎ 3. Approximately 150000 square meters of future ideal waterfront, planned along the natural river system, including riverside green corridors, dynamic waterfront, leisure waterfront, and scenic riverbank. In the future, you can run, ride slowly, take a walk along the riverbank in the morningThe schematic diagram is subject to actual delivery4. Approximately 30000 square meters of vibrant cultural and sports centers, covering sports venues, cultural and educational venues, etc., meet the needs of all age groups for sports, entertainment, leisure, parent-child, and more. Moving from a two-dimensional sensory space to a five dimensional multi-dimensional sensory experience.5. Approximately 34400 high-quality humanities education, covering early childhood, middle school, and high school.Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] ☎ Minhang is already a strong education area, and the project is adjacent to two 985 universities, with a strong educational background in the area.At the same time, relying on Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Minhang District has also been working hand in hand with Jiao Tong University to create the "Environmental Jiao Tong University Minhang Campus Basic Education Ecological Zone". The project is close to the water and the quality of education in the future is worth looking forward to.(The new house does not promise the school district, specific disclosure by the education department shall prevail)The schematic diagram is subject to actual deliveryOf course, having rich supporting facilities is a good thing, but more importantly, it is about fulfilling them.There are many high-quality planned projects on the market, but often they are discounted and take a long time to be redeemed, which may still make it inconvenient to directly deliver the property and live.In Shangwanlin language, there are two major guarantees:Firstly, the project has a high positioning, and the developer is a local state-owned enterprise with a deep understanding of urban renewal.As one of the major urban village renovation projects, key urban village comprehensive renovation projects in Shanghai, and one of the three major city level key renovation projects recognized by Minhang District, Shangwan Linyu shoulders the mission of urban renewal!The schematic diagram is subject to actual deliverySales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] ☎ And it will be constructed and developed by Shanghai Real Estate (Group) Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shanghai Real Estate Group.As a wholly-owned second tier subsidiary of Shanghai Real Estate Group, Shangfang Company is committed to "focusing on urban renewal and building a better life", and is committed to "becoming an influential comprehensive platform company for non-specific regional urban renewal.".Secondly, residential delivery and supporting facilities should be synchronized!The first to fifth phases of the project are currently starting construction simultaneously, and in the future, except for commercial operations, all other formats are expected to be delivered and operated in the first quarter of 2026. (The specific time is subject to the developer)Friends who are interested in the projectSales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] ☎Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] ☎National level strategyAbout 1.8 million square meters of complex in the core area of the Greater Zero BaySales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] ☎ In order to better serve the housing needs of high paying talents in the financial circle of Lujiazui, Shanghai made great efforts to create the Biyun Lianyang International Residential Area with ecology as its main feature.Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] ☎ In order to meet the housing needs of the large industrial population in Jinqiao Sub center, Senlan International Residential Area has been built with Senlan Green Space as the core.It can be seen that every heavyweight international residential area is born next to top industrial areas.The Shangwan Linyu, a waterfront ecological complex with an area of about 1.8 million square meters, is located in the core area of the world-class science and technology innovation bay area, the Big Zero Bay.Schematic diagramSales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] ☎ The Greater Zero Bay takes universities as its source of scientific and technological innovation, leveraging its geographical advantages of gathering universities, high density of scientific and technological achievements, and strong industrial carrying capacity, just like the Silicon Valley Industrial Park of Stanford University.The overall level of the industrial park is even stronger than that of Zhangjiang in some aspects.For example, the proportion of scientific research land exceeding Zhangjiang:Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] ☎ The area of scientific research land in the Greater Zero Bay has reached 631 hectares, accounting for an astonishing 24.4%, surpassing the proportion of scientific research land in Zhangjiang Science City (21%),The only Science and Technology Innovation Bay Area in Shanghai with two 985 universities:At the same time, it is home to two "Double First Class" universities, Shanghai Jiao Tong University and East China Normal University, as well as more than 10 research institutes in the fields of aerospace, aviation, shipbuilding, nuclear power, and nearly 200 national and municipal research and development institutions.Gathering nearly 100000 teachers and students, as well as over 130000 scientific and technological talents, it will become one of the most dynamic and vibrant science and technology innovation hotspots in Shanghai.Big Zero Bay will jointly build Shanghai into a global impact science and technology innovation center with Caohejing and Zhangjiang Science City!Schematic diagramFriends who are interested in the projectSales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] ☎Low density residential areas with a plot ratio of approximately 1.6-1.8Shanghai's rare high-quality lifestyleSales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] ☎ The life that makes people in Minhang envy, the top-notch industries in the city, and the absolutely high cost performance ratio of the Shangwan Forest Language, which costs about 5 million yuan, are really delicious.However, even so, Shangwan Linyu's product strength is still being built without leaving any effort.Firstly, the project has a plot ratio of only 1.6-1.8, which is applicable to all small and high-rise buildings in the series!Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] ☎ On the one hand, this plot ratio is scarce. Since 2023, out of the 20 residential land sold in the entire Shanghai market, only 2 communities have a plot ratio lower than 2, all of which are Yangpu style villa communities, with villa linkage prices as high as about 180000 yuan/square meter.And Shangwan Linyu has a similar plot ratio to these two villa communities with a style of about 180000 yuan/square meter.Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] ☎ On the other hand, the process of people pursuing higher living comfort through displacement is actually a process of continuously decreasing plot ratio.There is research data indicating that reducing the plot ratio by 0.1 will bring these advantages:Schematic diagramSales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] ☎ Compared to the commonly seen communities with a plot ratio of 2.5 or even 3.0 or above, the living comfort of Shangwan Linyu with a plot ratio of 1.6-1.8 is leading by Yao Yao.It is worth mentioning that the distance between the first building of the project is about 38 meters, with excellent lighting, and almost all buildings are surrounded by landscape on three or even four sides.The schematic diagram is subject to actual deliverySecondly, the project also has a decoration standard comparable to over 100000 properties in the city center!Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] ☎ The decoration adopts top domestic and foreign brands, benchmarking the texture of over 100000 luxury homes in the city center.The bathroom uses brands such as Weibo and Gaoyi;Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] ☎ The kitchenware is Siemens, the central air conditioning is Hitachi, and it is also equipped with Weineng underfloor heating and water heater;Especially for Weibo and Gaoyi, which are high-end residential properties in the city center, they can now be equipped with "5" characters.The actual scene of the project sample room is subject to deliverySales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] ☎ So, in summary, on the basis of stunning prices, outstanding lifestyle, and vast industrial level, the project also has multiple advantages. Each indicator is even better than the 70000+/㎡ real estate project in Minhang, but the price per 100 square meters is only starting with "5"!100 square meters with three bays facing south, the layout design is excellentThere are also four waterfront houses with a rare building area of approximately 149 square metersFinally, let's take a look at the layout.Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] ☎ From the perspective of the layout design, the building has a three bedroom and three bay layout with a floor area of approximately 100 and 101 square meters facing south, with dynamic and static partitions and full bedroom bay windows. The master bedroom sleeping area, dressing room, and bathroom gradually progress layer by layer, creating a sense of ceremony.The actual scene of the project sample room is subject to deliverySales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] ☎ There are also some waterfront four bedroom large flat floors with a construction area of about 149 square meters, only 9-10 floors. It is worth noting that this unit type has "3 bathrooms".According to Xiaopangjun's statistics, over 98% of the 150 square meter units on the market have 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, while Shangwan Linyu has an additional 1 bathroom, which can create a double south suite, giving family a sense of luxury and privacy.The guest restaurant also forms a grand hall, with a strong sense of space and high utilization rate.There is a variety of project layouts, and there is always one that suits youIn terms of landscape, aesthetics and social functions are combined.Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] ☎ It is reported that the layout includes multiple nodes such as the Fengsen Reception Hall, Sunshine Lawn, Tree lined Trail, Energy Garden, Moe Pet Park, and Circular Slow Track.This provides a platform for knowledgeable individuals to get to know and communicate with each other, and offers a variety of ways to interact with the landscape. The lush greenery covers the area, allowing for a sense of taking a mini vacation at home.The schematic diagram is subject to actual deliveryA demonstration area of approximately 3000 square meters is about to openSix major scenes previewed life in a million square meter city in advanceFriends who are interested in the project[Shangwanlin Language]Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] ☎Limited current viewing at the crime scene requires advance phone reservation and registrationPlease make sure to call and confirm the time with the sales team. Only customers who make appointments can enter the sales site. Thank you for your support



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